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Basic SEO In Six Steps

Here’s the Short Story on Basic SEO in Six Steps

  1. Connect your site to Google My Business/Brands/Maps/Google+/Search Console/Analytics
  2. Create Social Media Business Pages linked back to your site, using them to share content from your site.
  3. Post content to your site with long-tail, local-focused keywords
  4. Get listed in NAP directories (name-address-phone)
  5. Analyze your market – how to beat your competition
  6. Analyze and recommend guest post opportunities to build quality links back to your site.

We can help!

We bill consultation and tutorial at the rate of $75/hr, pro-rated to $1.25/minute First half hour is free. Use 5 minutes, pay for 5 minutes. Maintenance and ongoing contracts available. Call now (917)861-1242 or use the site form:

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