Beware. LBS Markets is a fraud, their beautiful website notwithstanding.
Please do not call me with your stories or complaints – just be informed and advised about this fraud.
I was contacted on Linkedin by Adrienne Headen (or someone who hacked her account), with an offer for employment as a “mystery shopper” doing market research.
Mystery Shopper Fraud
This was a new one for me, I hadn’t heard of the mystery shopper scam. It seemed like it could be a fun way to make money at the mall while my wife is shopping.
There were some yellow flags immediately. The first contact from LBS Markets was from an individual writing as “Bill Hartsman” with the email address [email protected] – not a domain-branded email.
I replied to that email:
When contemplating an opportunity, first thing I do is google the prospective employer to educate myself about the company and how I can best be of service.A couple of things are concerning to me at this point:1. Your email is a gmail account, not a company domain2. A Google search of the company name reveals nothing.Is there a reasonable explanation for this set of circumstances?Looking forward to hearing more.BestJon
The website address on the letter is now live – it hadn’t been previously – it was probably activated in time for the letters going out. It’s very nice and credible looking.
These criminals have gone to some considerable lengths to pull this scam off. I hope you found this post while checking them out.

LBS Markets Fake Cashiers Check

LBS Markets Scam Letter – p1

LBS Markets Scam Letter – p2